The swingkat’s blog

October 25, 2006

[10/25/2006] Better Blogging

Filed under: technology — swingkat @ 11:22 pm

Trying out some new blogging software. I know you all really care, but I found it pretty cool. What
Performancing is a plug-in for Firefox that lets you type into a window that sits right below the web page you’re viewing. I can then drag and drop things from a web-page into the area I type into for added sha-bang. The best part is I can one-click publish to my blog, to MySpace, or other blogs I have. Pretty damn cool if you ask me. What this means is that it will be easier for me to blog; and better for you, the loyal reader.

I was previously using Flock to publish my blog. I kind of got out of that because of the crazy things the blog poster was doing to my blog post before it was posted. The craziest thing was what it interpreted me doing and what I actually wanted to do. Now this is happening in Performancing too, but not as badly.

What I’ve noticed Performancing do is add a blue border to all images I drag and drop from a web page into Performancing. I may end up ditching it sooner or later, but to be honest, I got Firefox 2 and wanted to try it out! 🙂

Until I have something to actually write about,


July 15, 2006

Flock isn’t Flock’ed after all

Filed under: technology — swingkat @ 1:41 pm

The swingkat’s generic blog

It looks like the first post went through anyway. Go figure, my inability to wait has caused me to now create 3 posts about how the first post DIDN’T work.

I rescind my comment about the first blog getting screwed up due to beta software. My experience with flock, thus far, has been a 9/10. The only thing that got screwed up was clicking and pasting into this very flock blog window.

I’m in love with Flock so far. Call me flock’ed if you will. You have to love something that takes a bunch of things you loves, wraps them up and makes them better. Flock has done just that with some web2.0 features I love: blog / pics / links. Good job Flock. I look forward to banging you in the future.

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Flock + WordPress = Match made in heaven?

Filed under: technology — swingkat @ 1:37 pm » Your Blogging Home

This, I assure you, is the 2nd post to my blog. I can’t show you the first because it was lost in the crack that is beta software. I tried using flock once to post to my blog, but alas, it didn’t work. I think it might have been because I chose to “overwrite” a post. Mission accomplished Flock… it deleted the old post. The problem, however, is that it never wrote the new post to my blog. Let’s try again.

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Blogged with Flock

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