The swingkat’s blog

November 3, 2006

Philly Cops have a little fun

Filed under: Websites — swingkat @ 11:45 pm

I was just on the phone with a friend when they mentioned seeing something funny on the news. A few Philly cops thought it’d be funny to toilet paper and shaving cream their friend’s cop car. I had to see if this was on YouTube, and you guessed it… it was. Not only was the video online, but someone already made a fan video of it.

The original video is 7.5 minutes long and shows not only the cops TP’ing the car, but also shows the cop getting in at the end and driving off. Yeah that’s pretty funny in and of itself, but the fan video was even better.

Cops vandalize car (long version)

The fan video speeds up the 7.5 minute video to a 2 minute video, and adds some great music. Having “Bad Boys” juxtaposed on top of cops breaking the law is not only witty, but hilarious. You gotta check out this video! 🙂

Cops vandalize car with music!

October 25, 2006

Live concerts a go-go

Filed under: Music,Websites — swingkat @ 6:17 pm

NPR : NPR Live Concert Series

Found a fun website today. The NPR Live Concert Series features full, streaming live concerts for free. I listened to a Jose Gonzalez concert today and it was awesome. He even covered Massive Attack’s Teardrop, which I love. The concert was an hour long and for free, that was a great deal in my opinion. They feature mostly lesser-known stars who come through the DC area where NPR is located. The artists, for the most part, are featured playing from the 9:30 club in DC. If you like discovering new bands, live music, or a combination of the two, I’d highly recommend checking out this website.

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September 2, 2006

An online game that’s actually fun

Filed under: Games,Websites — swingkat @ 3:54 pm

Well, the stipulation is that the game’s fun if you’re into logic. Sudoku is a pretty simplistic game once you understand the rules. The rules are even simplistic. The game board consists of a 9×9 set of boxes that resembles a small checker board. Each row must have only 1 number from one to nine. Each 3×3 box must have only one number from 1 to 9. Those are the only rules. The game supplies you with a few blocks that are filled in to get started, but you must fill in the rest. The game is basically logical deduction. There tends to be one logical spot for each number which you can figure out little by little.


I finally took a serious look at this game after listening to a Slate podcast about an article written entitled “My Days are Numbered” by Seth Stevenson. You can find a daily, variety podcast slate offers at .

I checked out the Sudoku website to understand the rules, so I know what the hell they were talking about on the podcast. Over an hour later, here I am writing about my experience. The rules seemed easy enough and said a typical game usually only takes 20 minutes. Well, I was intrigued by the simplicity of it, and went ahead and tried a game. Thirty-eight minutes later, I’m finally done round one. I thought well, maybe it took so damn long because it was my first game. I tried again. My second game took me thirty-six minutes. Wow; I must suck

So after wasting almost an hour now playing Sudoku, I’m oddly intrigued to play another game; not now, but eventually. At this point I’m trying to see if it does get easier, and less time, the more times I play the game. Also, I do computer programming, so logic is something I’m very familiar with. Now, if I could only find a hobby that allows me to not think at all! 🙂

Till next time,


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