The swingkat’s blog

November 12, 2006

linkback test

Filed under: Uncategorized — swingkat @ 4:43 pm

Testing linkback

Kevin’s Guide To Wasted Time Online

November 3, 2006

Philly Cops have a little fun

Filed under: Uncategorized — swingkat @ 11:36 pm

I was just on the phone with a friend when they mentioned seeing something funny on the news. A few Philly cops thought it’d be funny to toilet paper and shaving cream their friend’s cop car. I had to see if this was on YouTube, and you guessed it… it was. Not only was the video online, but someone already made a fan video of it.

The original video is 7.5 minutes long and shows not only the cops TP’ing the car, but also shows the cop getting in at the end and driving off. Yeah that’s pretty funny in and of itself, but the fan video was even better.

The fan video speeds up the 7.5 minute video to a 2 minute video, and adds some great music. Having “Bad Boys” juxtaposed on top of cops breaking the law is not only witty, but hilarious. You gotta check out this video! 🙂

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